Human, Economic, and Organisational Aspects of Cyber Security
Human, Economic, and Organisational Aspects of Cyber Security
Our work on the Human, Economic and Organisational Aspects of Cyber Security covers a wide range of diverse topics, including:
The economics of security, including the value of security at both a macro level and to individuals
How organisations decide how much to invest in security, and on what?
The role of people’s habits in determining both positive security behaviours, and insecure behaviours
Aspects of security at different points in the life span, including young people and the security and privacy of financial transactions, and older adults and scams
Organisational culture and security, and security awareness campaigns
Trust cues and security
Building a secure and resilient UK through inter-disciplinary research and innovation
Current projects:
Building a Secure And Resilient World: Research and Coordination Hub (SALIENT)
ESRC Digital Security by Design Social Science Hub+ (Discribe)
including Threats and Tradeoffs Game
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in CyberSecure Everywhere
Trust cues across cultures project
Past projects:
EPSRC CyberSecurity Across the LifeSpan (cSALSA)
EPSRC Encouraging cyber security behaviour change through gentle interventions
Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Influence Techniques